310 E Hwy 50, Ste 2, O'Fallon, Illinois 62269
Same Day Appointments | Walk-in Availability
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm | Tues, Thurs: 9am - 3pm
To Request a New Patient Appointment call OR text:

Massage Therapy Services in O'Fallon

Massage therapy is more than relaxing; it has proven physical, therapeutic and emotional benefits.
Patients in O’Fallon, IL and near Scott Air Force Base, Shiloh, Belleville, Lebanon, Fairview Heights, Collinsville and all other Metro East St. Louis communities can visit Chiropractic Plus for Massage Therapy.
If you would like to make an appointment for our massage therapy services, please call our office to schedule: 618-628-4488.
Your Massage
Customize your massage for your needs. Popular massage types and requests that we accommodate:
Relaxation, stress reduction
Swedish and deep tissue
Reduce muscle tension
Improved circulation
Trigger point therapy
Sports and medical treatment
Regular Massage Pricing
1 hour massage - $70.00
1 1/2 hour massage - $100.00
2 hour massage - $130.00
Massage Club Pricing
1 hour massage - $55.00
1 1/2 hour massage - $85.00
2 hour massage - $115.00