310 E Hwy 50, Ste 2, O'Fallon, Illinois 62269
Same Day Appointments | Walk-in Availability
Mon, Wed, Fri: 11am - 1pm | 3pm - 6pm | Tues, Thurs: 9am - 3pm
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O'Fallon Massage Therapist: Megan Fleming

Megan Fleming
Megan Fleming first graduated with an Associate’s Degree in the Physical Therapy Assistant Program.
She loved spending time with her patients and helping them feel their best so much that she decided to continue with massage therapy.
In 2005, she attended The Body Therapy Center and completed her Certificate in Massage. Megan believes that putting the time, education, and energy into a massage is the best way to get great results.
She feels that her work goes hand-in-hand with the chiropractors to help the clients of Chiropractic Plus achieve optimal results. Megan currently resides in Belleville with her husband Scott.